I spent
most of my time during the holiday at home. My parents thought that we went out
home during the holiday there would be traffic jam, so we spent our holiday at home. When my family wants to go on vacation, my mom always conc
At home, I just lying in bed, ate well, watched tv or Korean dramas, played games, took a bath,and others. But, when i was watching some videos in youtube, i saw something interisting. Yeah, it is made journal or something like planner. So, i don't waste my holiday hehehe.
First, when i got idea to made a planner, i thought that i must made a list of goods that will be needed to made my planner. I thought very hard, because i want my planner looks simple but fresh. After wathced some videos about making planner in youtube, i got my answer about that what i want. I must bought a binder, many papers for binder, a tape, a sticky notes, origami papers, a stick glue, a open, a scissor, a paperclips.
Finally, after one week, my planner was done yeaay.
At holiday, i also watched some korean dramas. The title of dramas is She was Pretty and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. I love korean dramas so much. An actor so handsome and i like it. I know i should not watched korean dramas untill night, so i watched until 10 p.m.
But, overtime i was bored of my holiday. I asked my parents to went to Jungle Land in Bogor. But, my father said highway would be jammed because impact from Tol Cisomang.
On the week two, precisely on Tuersday to Saturday, i had schedule training cabaret for Nagabonar. So, i could go out home. I could met my friends and coach. But, on Saturday, my father took my sister, my father, and I to Tangkuban Perahu. I had never been there since i birth. The view of crater was so beautiful but the crater has been frozeen. I could see a little smoke from the crater. As you know, the smeel of the crater wasn't good. After from Tangkuban Perahu. i went to Lembang to buy some tofus, some youghurts and ice called Es Lilin. Lembang's tofu was soooooooooo delicious.
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